The 10 Killer Questions


The Game.

A. Think hard about each question. Write as much or as little as you like, but ensure you answer the question.

B. They’re not trick questions. There’s no right or wrong answer.

C. Be honest with yourself. Nobody is watching.

D. Each question is linked to the others. It takes some time to realise quite how, but don’t worry.

E. Answering them to the best of your ability will give you the next step or the firm foundations for your future.

F. If you get the sense that you need a next step, then keep working on them. Or reach out to me for a bit of help.

A Bit Of Context

Thirty years of asking the world’s biggest and smallest brands and their leaders the most critical strategic questions led to these 10.

And trust me, many found them just as challenging as you will.

If you want to - post them to me for an opinion when you are happy.

1. What’s your purpose?—What’s your ultimate aim in life?

Describe your dream and then—a) its value to you and—b) its value to the world.

2. What can you do?—Describe your unique capabilities—skill, talent, and expertise.

Think of this list as your superpowers at the core of your brand. And then pick the one that sits above all. (Personal Brand)

3. What makes you unique?—Answer this as a human being. What’s your special sauce? What makes you - you?

If this was SEO, what would your #keyword(s) be? What word(s) would people search to find the real you? The heart of your future and essential to your success. .

4. What’s your vision?—Complete the sentence: “I see a world where...”

What do you want to become—what’s the future you want. Aim higher if it doesn’t massively inspire you and those you trust when you tell them what your vision is.

5. What signifies success?—What defines success for you?

What bar are you going to set for yourself, your target? What will you achieve by when? If you were to write a list of 10 things - make them all quantifiable. You can only include one that’s financial.

6. What’s driving you?—What sits behind your purpose?

Explain the urge. What’s getting you up in the morning?

7. What’s stopping you?—What’s in the way of you achieving the above?

Be brutally honest. If you can write down the things you know people doubt or dislike about you or the capabilities you know you may lack. Knowing these things are opportunities to improve.

8. How are you answering these questions?—How do you feel about these questions?

Have the answers encouraged you or made things worse? Have they altered your framing of the future and is your mindset willing to change to get there?

9. Are you prepared to put the work in?—Do you have what it takes to ‘achieve’ the answers?

List the investment (time and money)tools, techniques, assets, resources, information—everything you think it will take to get to the future you want.

10. What will you do with it all?—What lies beyond the purpose you set in Question 1?

Ask yourself one final question. My purpose is (the answer to question 1) so that…? If your answers still work - then you’re good to go.


We apply questions similar to these in every assignment with our clients worldwide. Answering what appear to be simple questions is one thing, but then refining and connecting those answers across the entangled requirements/dependencies of strategies and plans unlocks immense value for individuals and firms alike.

John Caswell

Founder of Group Partners - the home of Structured Visual Thinking™. How to make strategies and plans that actually work in this new and exponentially complex world.

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