Things I Wish I Had Said - Volume One
This is an irregular and random blog filled with things I wish I had said.
Other people’s sentences seem to say things far better than I can. They take my breath away—they literally steal the words from my mouth. They’re breathtaking because while you’ve never said the sentence before, you know it. After all, the idea has been flying around in your head for so long.
This is a collection of brilliant sanity-restoring (to me, anyway) statements recently found.
Ponder on them for awhile.
“How amazing is it to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head.” - Nina LaCour
“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.” - C.S. Lewis
“The more vested interests fight an idea, the more you may be on to something.” - Ed Golding, Director, MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy
“The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.” - Albert Einstein.
“My guiding idea is that talent and genius are evenly distributed, opportunity is not.” - Stephanie Lampkin CEO and founder of Blendoor
“Writing gives poor thinking nowhere to hide. When your invisible thoughts are made visible, you are forced to confront them as they are, not as you wish them to be. You can’t simply take a few minutes here and there, get the gist of the problem, and expect to have clear thinking and unique insights. Good thinking, like good writing, demands patience.” - I wish I had said that.
Midjourney Experimenting With Mushrooms
“Good writing is expensive, but poor writing costs a fortune. Poor writing transfers the work from the writer to the reader. Good writing, on the other hand, nearly reads itself, allowing the reader to spend more time thinking about the ideas than pulling out meaning. Poor writing might be one of the single biggest invisible costs in organizations.” - I wish I had said that.
“For the first time in history, developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have allowed humans to abandon our hands as design tools and instead create using thought alone.” - Arturo Tedeschi
“The idea is to die young as late as possible.” - Ashley Montagu
“It’s impossible. Because humans.” - John Caswell
“A hurricane is human life in microcosm.” - John Caswell
“True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it.” - Karl R. Popper
“You cannot change what you refuse to confront.” - John Caswell
“People buy based on emotion and justify it with logic.” - Unknown
“We have to broaden who is part of the innovator set.” - Megan Smith, Former U.S. CTO
“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” - Mikkel Christopher, Lead Creative Producer, IKEA SPACE10
My personal MTP (Massively Transformative Purpose)
“Transforming Destinies - changing how leaders think and create the future of their businesses and regain control of their destinies.
“The appetite for applause counts amongst the lowest of human character traits.” – Jan-Willem van der Rijt
“A great way to understand yourself is to reflect seriously on everything you find irritating in others.” – Kevin Kelly
“People in their 30s know where the world is going because they’re going to do it. I’m in my 80s, so I have no idea.” – Daniel Kahneman.
“I’m at the stage in life where I stay out of arguments. Even if you say 1+1=5, you’re right. Have fun.” – Keanu Reeves.
“If you find the right balance between desperation and fear, you can make people do anything.” – Trevor Noah