Leadership Singularity
ONE: That in a digital world the practices of marketing and leadership are critically and inextricably linked.
So why are they so often kept apart?
TWO: That a fundamentally different mindset and approach to business is needed if the world is to make progress and provide a sustained future for our species.
So who will pick up the baton?
THREE: That, as a result, we will demand a very different set of accountabilities for leaders. What we superficially call ‘marketing’ and leadership’ will need to be completely redefined.
So, we set about writing a book - a collective endeavour to get at the issue from several perspectives.
Where did we net out?
Watch The Authors Explain The Book:
Why Another Book?
It’s a very important issue. And we wanted to combine the thoughts that had united us.
The process of writing allowed us to lay out how the biggest challenges we face could get solved. We aligned on a lot of things. Powerful things that need to change whether the challenge is big or small but one conclusion stood out above all:
The severe global challenges we face may only be addressable by socially responsible businesses. They are not politicians in hock to the old thinking - the self-interest that’s causing many global challenges.
Businesses have the power to solve the problems at their source by thinking and working differently - at scale. Businesses have the ability to connect in direct ways with all of us as consumers.
The book explains how this can happen and why it could unite everyone on the planet to make the world a better place for us all.
It will mean a behavioural shift for many and a positive shift to our everyday decisions.
It Took Four Authors
It all started as a blog by author Virginie Glaenzer, that turned into a tweet, that got a comment, that brought together four strangers from completely different backgrounds.
This happened just weeks before the worldwide COVID-19 virus changed everything. The pandemic altered our humanity. It disrupted how we conduct trade. It refocused where and how we might obtain resources. It forced us how to market and sell the ‘products’ of our business. Above all it changed forever what it will mean to be a leader.
“In the future there are three kinds of people, those who make it happen, those that watch what happens and those that wonder what happened.” - Mary Kay Ash
How Do We Change?
We believe that to fix things we need a global coalition of new business leaders. They have access to the global markets and unlike politicians they can build trust and inspire much more confidence.
They can bring ethics to commerce and morality to society. They can shape what it means to operate with dignity. They can raise standards in how they communicate to their audiences. They can bring humanity to the communities they serve. They do it by being inspiring leaders and embracing innovation across all the processes - in short - marketing leadership.
“Leadership Singularity exposes the failure of current marketing and leadership practices. We remove the scaffolding of an obsolete system.
A system that for far too long has served the few. An operating philosophy hat doesn’t promote sustainability and one that has driven us to search for more pervasive, persistent and scalable solutions.”
The Vision
We see a world where Leadership and Marketing are indistinguishable because they are the same. A singularity brought to life through a style of business thinking so essential that it bridges isolated thinking and often deliberately separate practices.
We explain the future for such singularity from a number of perspectives and from practical experiences. We believe it really will save the world.
The Co Authors
Virginie Glaenzer
Co-founder, Sense-Maker and Storyteller at AcornOak, cooperative community powered by women of experience, expert in strategic advisory and digital marketing helping organizations and leaders build remarkable brands and seize opportunities for growth.
Using the techniques of interviewing, observation and analysis I create experiences that reveals those hidden barriers as well as areas of unexpected potential. All of this leads people to articulate powerful ideas that they didn't know they had.
Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer at Trident Strategies. Passionate catalyst for growing and improving firms through business development, executive leadership consulting and business development strategy.