Setting General Expectations
As promised below is a draft that we suggest is sent out, ideally by (((name or the CEO))), to introduce everyone to the programme and set high-level expectations.
We are happy for you to refine this to get the right language etc.
If you are happy with this as a start, could you please copy John and me on the email and then we can follow up with more information and also send out links to assessments and surveys when the time comes.
Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions
We are at a really interesting moment in time for the business - both individually and collectively as a whole.
Very few businesses get the chance to fully reflect and align themselves as a real leadership team and fewer still involve the rest of the organisation in creating it.
But that’s what we are going to do.
Any change can lead to huge opportunities. But that requires those executing to think and make the right choices.
And getting there is a team sport. The way we are going to build this is inspiring. We will literally co-create our own future.
We will define our new ‘North Star’ that shows what success will look like.
We will agree how we may need to think and work differently.
We will consider and decide what matters.
We will identify what needs to be in place - capability, resources, and tools.
We will build the strategic blueprints that will help us get there.
We will emerge with the plan we have all shaped. And by being involved in building it we will own it - that makes us best placed to execute it.
We are answering the following exam question.
"How do we make certain that we realise our vision and strategy - transforming CellC into a digital lifestyle company - and achieve all our measures of success?'
We want to involve as many people as possible. All of you will have a chance to add your perspective, some of you will do this in person at a collaborative workshop, currently scheduled for the week of 29th August - details to be provided.
We have asked Group Partners, who have done a lot of similar programs for organizations like ours over the last two decades, to help us over the next few weeks and months.
Group Partners have developed a very visual, highly collaborative approach to helping teams; we think this will be valuable to all of us. Check out their website to get an idea of their approach.
They will be in touch shortly. You may be asked to complete a self-assessment. In whatever way you are asked to share perspectives please be honest and open, this entire process is free from judgment or blame.
Soon you will be asked to respond to an assessment - other than that we just need you to be honest and open and contribute as much as you can to the program.
The first request we have of you all is to complete the assessment at this link
(((EG: )))
It’s been developed to explore a number of key indicators.
These things are important for any business wishing to be sustainable and resilient.
Guidance On Completing The Assessment
You will be taken through a series of high-level questions and against each one you will see a number of statements that represent a healthy sign for that Indicator.
All you need to do is to award the score that you feel best reflects your company’s position.
Everything will be treated as anonymous, all scores will be consolidated and we will compare variances and look for any insights the results give us - but at no time will scores be attributed to individuals. So please be honest!
If you are asked whether you wish to receive a report at the end please DO NOT select that option - we will be providing a link to a more comprehensive online dashboard with the results.
Please do leave us your email though. We will only use that if there are any problems with the submission or to check who has completed the assessment.
Please just click on the link provided to start the assessment. You will need to complete in one go so please do not exist before the end.
Feel free to ask any further questions for clarity.
(((Closing Statement)))
We have prepared this draft for you to send out to everyone in the organisation, along with the link to the assessment we agreed to kick off.
There will be a follow-up, more focused note from us for those attending the session.
The aim here is to set the scene and let everyone know that this is happening.
We are happy for you to refine the language so that it works for you.
When you are ready for this to go out could you copy John and me so that we can pick up and continue setting expectations?
Let us know if you have any questions
Launching The Assessment To The Wider Enterprise (((not necessarily in session)))
We have embarked on a strategic program of work - imagining the future, creating a clear plan and focusing on the practical aspects of executing the next stage.
We have asked Group Partners, who have done a lot of similar programs for organizations like ours over the last two decades, to help us over the next few weeks and months.
The approach is very collaborative but not burdensome to us.
We will kick off with a ‘simple to respond to’ self-assessment, which will be followed by a survey.
Later, there will be an opportunity for a number of one-to-one calls - although not with everyone.
And all of that will feed into a two (((xxx))) day ‘in real life’ session in (((date))) with a smaller group - names to be defined later.
This will be very visual, conversational and valuable to all of us.
Check out their website to get an idea of their approach.
The first request we have of you all is to complete the assessment at this link:
(((EG: )))
It’s been developed to explore a number of key indicators - they are important for any business wishing to be sustainable and resilient.
Guidance On Completing The Assessment
You will be taken through a series of high-level questions and against each one you will see a number of statements - that represent a healthy sign for that Indicator.
All you need to do is to award the score that you feel best reflects your company’s position.
Everything will be treated as anonymous, all scores will be consolidated and we will compare variances and look for any insights the results give us - but at no time will scores be attributed to individuals. So please be honest!
If you are asked whether you wish to receive a report at the end please DO NOT select that option - we will be providing a link to a more comprehensive online dashboard with the results.
Please do leave us your email though. We will only use that if there are any problems with the submission or to check who has completed the assessment.
Please just click on the link provided to start the assessment. You will need to complete it in one go so please do not exit before the end.
Feel free to ask any further questions for clarity.
(((Closing Statements)))
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What’s The Agenda?
There is no traditional agenda. It is a series of conversations that are modules within a framework that will answer the Exam Question.
Q. Do I need to Bring Or Prepare Anything for the Session?
Not really. We don't need you to bring much with you - just an open mind and a passion for the task. Don't expect any presentations or speeches. The session will be hard work but it will be valuable and inspiring and almost certainly unlike anything you have witnessed before.
We don't expect you to take notes. That's because a visual and verbal record will emerge live on the walls and in the rigorous documents that will emerge after the session.
Q. What Can I Expect?
Expect to arrive in a room - with a large expanse of the wall waiting to be filled with your insights. It will be partially developed - already containing things that we've learned ahead of the conversation.
These are important conversations about the future of the business - respectful conversations where everyone’s views are valid and there are no constraints.
Expect to see your thoughts and ideas develop in front of you on the wall and within the framework context as we collectively develop the vision, strategy and emerging roadmap of activity.
Q. What About My Day Job?
We don't expect you to become complete hermits for the duration but we would like you all to maintain focus as much as you can - please let your offices know that you are in an important session and try to limit calls and mail.
Q. What’s The Deliverable?
The answer to the exam question. We can also guarantee greater alignment, increased insight into the challenge and opportunity and major progress. We aim for breakthrough thinking and high engagement/ownership of the future by everyone involved.
There will be physical output from this but we don’t presume exactly what it is ahead of time. There will be a comprehensive narrative of the context, communicable images of what gets created and the narrative of the meaningful parts of the work created together.
All of this will be on our platform. A shared platform deliberately created to help you sustain the value of the work over time.